Happy First Day of Autumn
Many many people are emailing and facebooking to ask "what's up?" with Baby Wilson. Instead of emailing the same note back or posting a new status (that will only be criticized)... I am going to give the update here!
Last Dr.'s visit, Dr. Rubino told us that our "little" monkey was in fact not very little at all... We go back at the end of this week for our 39 wk visit and its almost 100% that the Dr. will be scheduling a C-Section. Once we know the scheduled date, we are still not going to post that (sorry baby poolers)... we want it to be a surprise for everyone. The reason for the potential scheduled C Section is more because of potential complications the Dr. is concerned about... the baby's shoulders getting stuck could put us in a very bad situation. He measured the baby and my pelvis and is pretty convinced that a C Section is the way to go... You may ask: "Why wait?"... well he said that he'd prefer to have me go into labor, stop the labor and do the C-section... I know crazy right? Well he is a firm believer in letting things happen naturally and there are certain hormones that get released when you "go into labor" that help aide in breastfeeding (the milk comes in faster) and post pardum healing. But in the end, if they have to forgo waiting, they will.
Preparing for a "V" birth for the past 8 months has been a joy.... to find out that you have grown a large baby and now all the sudden have to have "major surgery" to remove the baby has been very hard for me to accept. In the end, all that matters is the baby is healthy and happy. I just feel a bit like I am already failing as a mother since I can not give birth the way "god intended". I know my safety in the main reason for the C section but still its very hard. Not just the part about having to have major surgery but the part about how I am going to "do it all" after the baby comes. Having a newborn after having a C section (from what ALOT of people tell me)... plus learning the nursing thing is just very hard when you don't have very many people close to you to "help". Don't get me wrong... Brian and I are a great team... plus we have my aunt & his mom... but I guess I am just feeling that I wish I had a sister or I wish my mom was still alive. I know that my relationship with my mom was not a typical one and we had not spoken in quite sometime before her death... but I wonder if having a grandchild would have changed ANYTHING for her? I was warned that I would probably begin to miss her in a way I had not expected - I just thought it would be once the baby was here. Most women really don't care who "sees them in all their glory" during birth or while nursing, I am not that kind of woman - so I just feel like this will be that much more difficult. I love my hubby so much and know we will get thru it all and it will be fine.... I just pray for a healthy baby and speedy recovery for me! The good thing about C sections is that you can stay in the hospital for a little bit longer... And we have made the agreement that we will let folks know whens its ok to visit at the hospital... so mommy and baby are both comfortable and up for visitors. I love that the baby gets to stay in our room the whole time once all the initial stuff is done in the nursery!
(HOLY CRAP - can we say pregnancy hormones???)
So the past few weeks off work have flown by... I know that February will be here so fast and I will be back at work. The baby's room is ready (as you saw in the prior post)... I made a bunch of dinners and have frozen them (although food is welcome when people come to visit)... we are trying to stay on top of the laundry so its not piled up for Brian to do later... we have our bags packed, phone numbers written down and the annoucement email drafted (with some obvious key bits of info missing)... We are ready!
Ok well hopefully this is the last blog before my little chunky monkey comes into this world! (Yeah I know I am gonna hear crap from the hubby about that remark... he is still convinced this thing is a munchkin!).... Below is the pic Brian took last weekend... 39 wks or BUST!