Sunday, September 25, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Kayla

Happy 2nd birthday to our sweet and vibrant baby girl! She is doing excellent in all areas... she was 35.5 inches tall and weighed 32 pounds (its fabulous that her height number is taller than her weight number!) She sings her ABC's and twinkle twinkle little star at bedtime, she puts on her own shoes and takes them off, she can fully undress herself too! Her vocabulary is so large now I can't even keep track of it! She knows directions and reference points and can tell you a few blocks away where we are going. She eats with a fork & spoon and has even begun to potty train. She can throw a ball very well and kick it too!

For her birthday, we had family over and then had a kid party another day. She blew out her candles and ate lots of these cupcakes!

Her 2nd Birthday gift!

Friday, September 16, 2011

All new Gymnastics School

Instead of putting Kayla back at My Gym, we decided it was time to get her into something a little different. She really loves her new gymnastics school! She is already doing so much better than the 1st few classes and she loves her coach!