Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Swimming Lessons

After the waterbug that Kayla was last summer, we really thought she would take to the water quite well this year! NOT SO ACCURATE! As you can see below... the first 3 photos are from the 1st lesson... then the others are from week #2. Brian is the one in the water with her and we found out last week that I need to hide or else she cries more. By the end of the 2nd week, she was MUCH better!
Death Grip!

She was happier watching from the side

Can we go home yet?

This is our Dirty Dancing lift!

Week 2 involved a DUNK... after which she seemed to have more fun!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Living with a Parrot...

This past wkend, Kayla's vocabulary has really expanded! She is now trying to repeat alot of what we are saying... whether it be conversational or just commands. It's insane how fast this all happens! She is getting better and better each day at following directions - although we still need to do "time-outs" every now and then.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Sickness & Sleeping

We officially had our 2nd case of sickness with Kayla a few weeks ago... high fever of 104* ended up in a trip to the emergency room... lots of tests and a few scary days later, Kayla was back to normal... only to lead us to the Dr. for eye drops to treat pink eye! Brian & I have been sick on and off since Halloween! It's been such a horrible winter... too much forced air heat! Looking forward to starting a new in our our home! Anyway, it seems that the sickness Kayla experienced, had a serious affect on her sleep patterns! Since she would wake in the middle of the night due to a full diaper (since I was pumping her full of fluids) or b/c her fever went back up... I ended up either rocking her to sleep again OR brought her into my bed to sleep (mostly so I could actually get some sleep as well)... Now it looks like we may need to re-sleep train her... Not looking forward to this since she is louder and more vocally clear. She will scream "MAMAMAMAM... I WANT MAMAMA"... The next few weeks should be interesting.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A change of location...

We were very fortunate to sell our condo in "record" time! I think it was on the market about 2 wks before it sold... Then our mission was to find a new home. Although there were not many on the market at the time... we found the perfect house! We move out of our condo on April 21st and into our new home on April 22nd. Although we will need to stay at my in-laws for about a week, it will be so great! Brian is taking off work so we can rally and get a whole bunch done when we move in... it will make the transition even smoother! We did not take Kayla to the house until after the home inspection was complete and we were confident that it would be her new home.... here she is in front of the house... along with our "Under Contract" photo... AS you can see, its a precious gem hidden beneath a coating of 1975!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Maddie turns 2!

Kayla was so excited to help her best friend Maddie celebrate her 2nd birthday at My Gym. We were coming off being ill but she really had a blast! Check out the photos!

The Birthday Girl!

Timmy & Kayla could be siblings!!!

The girls!

Miss Adventure!

Big fan of bubbles

puppet time!

Always up for some pizza...

and cake!