Mommy & Daddy decided to take me to the Mall before Thansgiving - when the malls were not so crowded to have my picture taken with this guy they call Santa Claus. I am not quite sure who he is but they keep talking about how he brings you lots of toys and gifts during Christmas if you are a good little boy or girl! I was a little tired from the car ride - not that it was long - I just love my car seat! So it took me a minute to wake up to meet the "man with all the toys" (yes this is a song reference for us Wilson's!) But once I got a good peek I realized what all the hype was about! Check out my pictures!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Gobble Gobble
First things 1st... Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Kayla has been referred to as our little turkey for many weeks now but this week she will share the spotlight with the 18 pounder that Daddy picked out... I think next year Kayla is going to LOVE eating turkey and will be then, have a new nickname I am sure! We had a fabulous time with Brian's family over... Kayla now loves playing "pee-a-boo" with Grandpa!
On Turkey Eve (this is the evening before Thanksgiving in which traditionally we would go to the Ringside Pub and enjoy a nice evening of complete debauchery) we instead went to Uncle Kevin & Aunt Angela's house... Kayla was a little fussy so we did not stay too late but she had the pleasure of meeting her Uncle Jeffrey (he lives in Indiana now while he goes to Grad School).
On Turkey Eve (this is the evening before Thanksgiving in which traditionally we would go to the Ringside Pub and enjoy a nice evening of complete debauchery) we instead went to Uncle Kevin & Aunt Angela's house... Kayla was a little fussy so we did not stay too late but she had the pleasure of meeting her Uncle Jeffrey (he lives in Indiana now while he goes to Grad School).
Fighting the turkey for the name "little turkey"...
Watching the Parade w/ Daddy
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Two Months!!!
Kayla turns 2 months old today!!!
Not too much to write about in the past few weeks... We've been trying to get ourselves on some sort of schedule. Kayla is sleeping about 12-15 hours in a 24 hour period and she is eating about 30-35 ounces in that same period. She is fully on formula now and is doing well with it (so is Mommy!) Breastfeeding was something that was really important to both Brian & I - especially for the first 6 wks - but it really depends on how the mom and baby do together when push comes to shove. For Kayla & I it just was not the best thing for us.. we are much happier now! She is sleeping a good stretch at night - about 4.5 to 6 hours... we have not figured on the specifics on what dictates how much sleep she gets though... its still a work in progress. She smiles SO much and laughes out loud - sometimes very loudly! Her giggles and laughs make us smile so much that we all end up laughing. She is gorgeous and melts our hearts with those big smiles! She is ALL GUMS! She no longer wants her paci and would rather stick her fingers or fist in her mouth... She holds her head up all by herself and can sit in her Bumbo with no assistance. She is about to bounce out of the bouncy chair so we may not be able to let her hang out in this without supervision... she kicks her legs so strongly! She is eating and sleeping very well but the Dr. tells us we need to start getting her on a good schedule ... You'd think Mommy would love that but its going to be much harder!!! She turns when you say her name and follows you across the room when you walk away from her... you may even get a squeal from her if she's not ready for you to go away from her. She loves laying in her crib watching the fishes on the mobile go round and round! We swear that she is actually trying to have a conversation with them - of course like her mommy, she is doing all the talking! She loves talking to Grandma on the telephone and smiles big when she hears her voice. Her new favorite game is "peek-a-boo" with Grandpa - I think they played for hours on Turkey Day. She is drinking a little fruit juice each day and loves it - of course its in her bottle - no sippy cups yet! She is tolerating tummy time more and more and we think she may be doing the crawling sway before Xmas!
We had our 2 month Doctor visit this week... Current Stats: 13 lbs, 24 inches long! So she has gained (since birth) 3 lbs and 3 inches... Three is this weeks big number! She is also wearing 3 month clothes... some brands she is already a 3-6 month. She has also graduated to Size 2 diapers! She had her first big round of immunizations (since those she got at the hospital when she was born) ... she was such a champ! Not like Mommy (who cries or freaks at the sign of needles - good thing I never saw that spinal needle!!!!)... She has Daddy's tolerance for pain :) Seems like she has his metabolism too (thank god!).
This is what I do during Tummy Time!
I found my fingers and they taste yummy!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Dinner Parties!!!
We had our very 1st dinner party with friends last night... I got to see my Aunt Melissa and Uncle Frank and meet Mommy's friends Matt & Joanne... They are having a new baby boy after Valentines Day... Maybe it will be yet another future boyfriend??? I can't wait to meet Baby Golino...
Here are some pics that Aunt Melissa took with her new camera!
The girls!
Mommy to be Joanne :)
Monday, November 9, 2009
Milestone Alert !!!
Kayla has had a few milestones in the past few weeks... smiling at us, reacting to us each differently... but this biggest one so far was the other day when she was playing in her bouncy chair and she picked up her plastic toy keys for the 1st time all by her self and started swinging them around! I heard the noise and when I turned to look at Kayla, she was ALL big smiles!
Check it out!

Check it out!

Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
A Day In My Life
Life right now with Kayla is really about dealing with everything is a 3 hour cycle. I know that may sound crazy to some people but seriously, it makes the day go by so fast! Our day usually begins anywhere from 4am on depending on Kayla's eating / sleeping schedule for that day. Dr. Kint's office (her pediatrician) says that there is no use trying to actually adjust a baby's schedule on your own before 3 months... "they will get fussy and get mess your life up so don't try!" - this is what they tell us! So you can only imagine how this Mommy's "type A" personality is functioning.... I have to be honest, there are some days that are better than others, some nights too. Brian & I have both melted down at one point or another but its mostly from lack of consistent sleep. Its hard too b/c while I am on duty from 10pm Sunday night to 8pm Friday night pretty consitently... Brian helps out with the 8/9pm feeding and then on the wkends he takes a very active roll... but where is the downtime? Weekends we are just juggling back and forth and he takes the late / middle of the night feedings. I think what we miss most is just the time we used to spend running errands together, impromtu dinners or drinks at the Ringside or just being able to sit on the couch for hours watching football or movies or catching up on TIVO (thank god for that invention!). Our new family brings us so much joy and we've been adjusting more and more each day...
So back to a "day in the life of Kayla"... it begins around the time Daddy leaves for work. Sleeping Beauty wakes up around 7/8am with big smiles and is ready to begin her day - this is her 2nd feeding of the day though! Her first was at 4/5am but she usually sleeps thru this one now. So we eat (ok Kayla eats b/c Mommy ate when she was up at the 4/5am feeding) and then have a little playtime for about 40 minutes - this is usually Mommy reading to me. Then we tackle the dirty diapers and hang out in the bouncy chair and doze off for about an hour or two before we eat again! Feeding #3 is around 10/11am... then we get dressed for the day (unless we have to go out earlier then that just messes up everything! LOL). We hang out in the loft together or in the kitchen so Mommy can prepare bottles for the day, check email, start dinner for that night or she just cleans up. We talk alot though and Mommy describes everything she is doing so Kayla learns early on what life is like in this Wilson household! Of course then Kayla dozes off for a short nap again in my crib. Feeding #4 is around 1/2pm sometimes even 3pm depending on what is going on... Getting Kayla to nap after this feeding is most difficult... She wants to stay awake so bad and just gets so cranky that we have to walk around the house for about an hour while holding her for her to doze off - then she goes in the swing!... Feeding #5 happens anywhere btwn 4-6pm... Then we hang out til Daddy comes home - There is usually no napping at this time. I love to watch TV with Mommy - its usually when she catches up on her General Hospital episodes! A few days a week we hang out in my room and sing songs and dance around like fools. Then YIPPEE... Daddy is home and he takes over for a bit while Mommy cooks! Sometimes Kayla even lets us eat dinner while she sits in her bouncy... Feeding #6 happens at 8/9pm ... Daddy does this feeding and we hang out and play... He has his own built in bouncy chair on his legs which is so much fun for Kayla! Too much sometimes :( Then she goes down for a pre-goodnight in her swing! The last feeding of the day happens around 11/12 midnight and we give Kayla a thicker formula so that her belly stays a bit fuller and she sleeps a little longer!
Of course this would not be an appropriate blog without some new photos - Enjoy!
This bouncing chair lets me watch Mom do stuff - it vibrates too!
"Mommy I want to clean too"
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Happy Halloween
Check out some of the pictures Mom & Dad took of my 1st Halloween!
I tried to stay up the night before to catch all the neighborhood kids
TP'ing but I just could not make it!
Me and Mommy snuggling on Mischeif Night
to go to Dr. Rubino's Alumni Halloween Parade
LadyBug Wilson - This is my big costume!
My Daddy carved this punkin for me!
Our Family
My Pumpkin Jammies (from Grandma)
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