Not a very happy post but since Baby Wilson was at the helm I figured that I would blog about it... Never is a million years did I think we would visit the hospital at 22
wks - other than for our big Prepared Childbirth Class on 6/7/09... but because I was having sever abdominal pain for over a week my
OBGYN decided to admit us to the hospital to figure out what was going on. The pain came about an hour after each meal (or snack) and lasted anywhere from 2-5 hours. From the beginning, everyone who examined me thought it was gall stones.
I was admitted Thursday after going to ER early last week - thanks to the persuasion of a good friend. My OB and
Gastro Dr. were concerned that I was having Gall Bladder issues (possibly a stone or gravel stuck in the
gb or the bile duct) so on Thursday after a visit to both of those Dr's, they told me to go home, pack a bag and head to the hospital. Thank god I remembered what one of my
preggie friends once told me "shower at home when you go into Labor / before you go to the hospital cause you don't know when you will be able to shower again!" - Great advice!!! They took me off foods until Saturday night and did a TON of tests - all that were safe on the baby. On Friday afternoon, the general surgeon came in to visit to talk about my options and said that b/c I was pregnant, they could not continue testing after they did the MRI. Their diagnosis was that I had a dysfunctional gall bladder... based purely on my pain and the fact that the tests showed no stones and my
bloodwork came back normal... I will tell you that the MRI was
difficult. The baby DID NOT like that noise that the machine made and proved so by kicking me clear in every organ possible during the 15 minutes I was in that tube! There is a test that they would normally do at this point called a
HIDA scan but it involves injection of nuclear dye (radiation) into my system - which COULD harm the baby. (Since medicine does not experiment on pregnant women, they have no idea what actual harm this could cause to the fetus but they do not like to perform the nuclear tests on pregnant women). The other option is to let the surgeon perform
laproscopic exploratory surgery... and they told us that the
anesthesia could trigger early labor. The last option the OB / Surgeon gave was obviously what Brian & I felt most "comfortable" with... an amended diet until the baby comes... being that I was not in
immediate danger and we did not want to chance anything affecting the baby... I have to revise my diet and revise the schedule I keep.
SO... my doctor discharged me yesterday (Sunday) but told me that I have to reduce stress, follow the diet, stay close to the hospital and followup should the pains come back. If the pains DO come back, the doctor may take me out of work so that the stress does not affect me and so I can eat and lay down to help deal with the pain - she said something about being put on pain
meds to manage the pain so this would prevent me from driving as well. I am feeling better - just tired and starving b/c I have to get used to these small meals and amended diet! I am still feeling uncomfortable when I eat anything but the PAINS are gone. After I deliver, I have to go back to the surgeon b/c
apparently once your GB function is messed up, the only resolution is to remove the organ... so 6-8
wks after delivery I will be back in for surgery! Fun stuff!
So I have to say thank you to the one or two people who came to visit... aside from my darling hubby and the daddy-to-be... the visits were great and helped me get
thru the
wk end. Baby Wilson's Daddy was just amazing
thru this entire ordeal! He was at the hospital late with me each night and came first thing each morning to ensure he was there for the Dr.'s
visits. He always asked a ton of questions and gave me lots of love when I had meltdowns! He brought his computer (cause he knows I can not stay away from Email &
FB), brought cards to play, movies and books... mainly the big NAME book so we could go
thru all the names to decide what we are going to name this little bug when it comes out! He stayed all day everyday and told me that there was no where else that was more important or anywhere he'd rather be than with me and the baby. I really don't give my hubby the credit he deserves most of the time and am just so thankful to have such an amazing man to share my life with ... He is going to be a great daddy! One great thing that came from this is that Brian FINALLY got to feel the baby kicking! He was a bit freaked out but somehow found a way to keep touching the belly!
The below picture was taken by my aunt when she came to visit so we could put on the blog!