Friday, July 17, 2009

Week 30 Update

Lots happening in Week 30 - just wanted to keep the troops updated!:
  • Gestational Diabetes test came back borderline - so now there are even more diet restrictions. They don't feel that its high enough for insulin.
  • I am "officially" anemic. Most likely b/c I am not eating as much red meat due to the gall bladder issues. They gave me supplements so we will see how it goes!
  • For my gift to Brian for our ONE year anniversary, I surprised him with a 4D Ultrasound (the fun scan)... Photos / Video below. He loves those appts and when I found out the next would not be for another 2 months... I had to do it! Baby Wilson was in the perfect position but we ended up at the Doctors office for almost 2 hours b/c there was not enough amniotic fluid between the Baby's face and my placenta for the depth of the pictures to scan right. So between the M&M's, jumping jacks, walking up and down the halls, yoga downward dog and the poking, we were able to move the peanut JUST ENOUGH for a few good pics.
  • We are beginning to wind down and transition at work (not quickly enough though)... some definite growing pains thru the transition... guess its my fault for having a damn baby!
  • Tomorrow is yet another wedding... can't wait to see everyone at Melissa & Russ' Wedding!

Our sweet little Baby sleeping....

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Big Name Game

Ok so seriously... I have to say that choosing a name for our baby has been so difficult! I know that we may not know the "sex" of the baby but coming up with just 5 girls names and 5 boys names is SO hard!

It seems that so many websites stress the important of picking the perfect baby name for your little muchkin... but what does that mean for us?
- Will we pick names like famous people have?
- Will we picked names based on a theme?
- Will we pick a family name?
- Will the name be inspired by literature or sports?
- Will we pick one of the "popular" names of the year?

The other factor making this difficult (sorry to vent here) is that people do not understand why on earth we would not want to share the options we are considering for naming our baby. We tried early on to inlcude people in the process and we have to say that may have been a mistake. We shared a few of the names with a few different people and because they had to give their opinion ... we decided that we will no longer be sharing any names on our list. A few bad apple's ruined it for the bunch. I know that it's a shame that people can't keep their opinions (no matter how light hearted they are) to themselves... maybe it's partly our faults for taking the comments to heart but to us this is a very big deal.

A few random thoughts: (1) If you had kids already, you had your chance and you should respect what other people want to do ... (2) If you haven't had kids yet, you will get your turn to have an opinion in this very decision and you will understand the first time someone does this to you how it feels... so be careful how you treat others now... something you may say now may come back to (3) No matter who you are, you should respect your loved one enough to let them enjoy this amazing experience of naming their baby - this decision gets to be up to the 2 people who made this little miracle and no one else ---- OK all done... sorry!

Our experience was not all that bad... we just don't get some people - maybe its out of love, maybe its just that people can't keep their mouth shut or maybe its just someone being mean.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Baby Wilson's Shower - 29 wks

Brian & I wanted to say thank you to all those wonderful ladies that came to our shower, to those that sent gifts and were not able to make it but most of all to Baby Wilson's two Great Aunts (Mary & Jacquie) for giving us such a great baby shower!

Although the shower was "not" a surprise (we knew when & where) all the other details were in fact a surprise. The shower was held on Saturday 7/11/09 at Italianissimo Restaurant in our town... Caldwell NJ. There was a great group of ladies there as well. People traveled all the way from Alexandria, VA to be here to share in our joyous event. I was sad that many of my girlfirends could not make the shower and hopefully will get to see them before Baby Wilson joins the family. The food was out of this world! The gifts were so generous - we really are blessed to have such amazing people in our lives. There were games with cool prizes as well.

Baby Wilson very much enjoyed the event as well. Kicking and rolling inside my belly the entire day... so much that even when Mommy was ready to call it a night and go to bed... baby decided at 3am that he/she wanted to continue the party! Baby got so much great stuff to start their new bedroom and life in this world!

We really are truly blessed by the friends and family we have that are able to share these events with us... We can't wait for little Baby Wilson to make its grand appearance in about 10 wks!

Can you believe how time as flown by?
Here are some great pictures (care of Tina)!
The Ohnmeiss Family
Cake and Prizes
Grandma, Mommy & Daddy
Aunt "Cheese" Angie & Mommy
Aunt Melissa & Mommy

The OFFICIAL Week 29 Bump!