Thursday, July 8, 2010

Parenting 101: Sleep

In retrospect, I never truly understood how important sleep was before I became a parent. When you are expecting, you hear SO many people say "get your sleep now" and then it becomes "sleep when the baby sleeps"... but for me, while I can take literally anywhere... getting 20 minutes of sleep here and there just sucks and broken sleep for me makes life worse for those around me.

When you are nearing the end of your pregnancy, sleeping becomes a more difficult thing anyway b/c you can't sleep on your back or belly... you are limited to one side or the other. Then a C section complicates matters since your incision is very sore and you have limited use of your stomache muscles for a few weeks. Then once you don't have the physical limitations, your baby begins to stay awake for more hours of the day / night.

Finally by 5 months of age, Kayla really started having more specific sleeping patterns. We were still feeding her in the middle of the night. But a few days before she turned 9 months old, we decided that we would stop getting up to give her that bottle. She started sleeping 12 hours thru the night... and although she still talks up a storm, we let her work it out. This has given us the opportunity to really get more sleep. Now my body needs a good 8 hours....

Our home runs so much better when we all get sleep. I am just looking forward to the day that Kayla stays up a little bit later so Brian can see her when he gets home and maybe we can sleep in on the wkends.

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