Kayla's 1st real snow storm (where she could enjoy it) came at the perfect time... and considering we bought her a sled for Christmas that she could actually use, it was even better! It started the day after Christmas and lasted almost 2 days. Our front door - mostly b/c of snow drifts - on the 1st night was over 18 inches high of snow. The next day, once it stopped, Brian & I went to his folks to help dig them out. I got to use the snow blower for the 1st time while he shoveled the hard to get area's. It was cold!!! But Mom had some great hot chocolate waiting for us and watched Kayla inside the house while we worked. Not to say it was not a ton of work for her :)
We waited a few days (3) until the wind stopped blowing so hard and then we took her over to where Brian used to go sledding... his old elementary school. She did not seem very fond on the actual snow but loved the sled and loved riding in it. Not a fan of snow angels either so I did the honors this year. We even found an abandoned saucer by the school that Brian & I tried out a few times... Brings back some great memories!
Not a fan of the snow!