Monday, January 31, 2011

Random January-ness

Not much to report here... other than being cooped up in our condo most of the month due to the abundance of snow mother nature has decided to bless us with this winter! Considering the fact that Kayla is not a fan of playing in the white stuff... we truly are confined to the house (or forced to go shopping which makes Daddy unhappy). We stopped going to gymnastics for a few months and started a new music class at the local synagogue... Kayla likes the class so far. We have also been keeping ourselves very busy with playdates. Kayla officially has a favorite tv show and movie... Caillou & Toy Story (any of them)! She is becoming more and more independent and has started to freak out when you cut something up for her - she wants to eat the banana whole or cheese stick whole... she wants to hold the fork & spoon herself as well. She is officially in 24 month old clothes - tops & bottoms. She is still doing one middle of the day nap (11:30 or 12 - 2ish)... and she still loves her bottle!

"Ma, do we really have to use this to clean, I would rather use it to play!"

Reading at the Dr's office...

Laughing at something on TV... she gets special TV time after dinner

Getting some cuddle time with her big cousin Sean... home from college break!

Enjoying her 1st cheeseburger from Wendy's

Bedtime routine w/ Daddy

Enjoying some Greek yogurt...

Coloring with her best buddy Maddie

Nicely sharing a tiny reclining chair with Ryder

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Utensils = Mess

At Kayla's last "well" visit, the doctor told us that we needed to start working on getting her to use utensils like a big girl. Much to my dismay (due to the presumed potential mess) I was reluctant to give in to this... although the idea of not having to do anything but give her food and have her do it all by herself was very appealing! We tried it 1st with a spoon and cereal - in a suction cupped bowl (which did not work as well as I thought it would)... She did great! A few days later, during dinner with Grandma & Grandpa she are ravioli with a fork all by herself! (which we also later got on film)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Wake up calls...

So a few weeks ago when Kayla was home with Daddy (Mommy was running wkend errands), Daddy thought he'd take a little snooze on the living room couch while Kayla was playing nicely. Only was he rudely AWAKENED to have a smiley, giggling 15 month old staring at him at only 2 inches from his very nose. It gave him a major wake up call! Now its a funny thing b/c Grandpa always falls asleep after dinner... see here how Kayla goes to wake up her Pop!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Secretly watching your toddler play...

Lately, I have been watching Kayla play from the living room couch (I am reading my book) or from the kitchen when I am preparing dinner or washing dishes... It's so amazing to watch your child... who used to be this little baby... pretend play. She loves stacking things but climbing is really her favorite thing to do. Unfortunately now she stacked AND THEN climbs the stacks! That is a whole nother story though. Watching her play in her pretend kitchen, feed her baby doll, wash her hands in the sink.... Or go into the hutch in the dining room to hide her toys... when later she finds them and acts if they were never seen before. Most of all I love watching her sing and dance. The later she does when music comes on the tv... But hearing her sing in the car is definitely a secret pleasure of mine these days. She is talking a little more and more and showing her personality everytime you turn a different corner. She loves to find your belly button and then gives it kisses... Tickle time is so much fun. She is a little less interested in books the past few weeks and more into playing with her "little people" cars and trains. I think its just her age and the fact she can't sit still much anymore... she will pick up books and go sit in her chair to look at them every once in a while... Parenthood just amazes me sometimes. Makes me feel so lucky... Brian & I created her... she is the perfect (sometimes irritating) combination of the both of us and she proves that we create marvelous things!