Friday, March 18, 2011

Sickness & Sleeping

We officially had our 2nd case of sickness with Kayla a few weeks ago... high fever of 104* ended up in a trip to the emergency room... lots of tests and a few scary days later, Kayla was back to normal... only to lead us to the Dr. for eye drops to treat pink eye! Brian & I have been sick on and off since Halloween! It's been such a horrible winter... too much forced air heat! Looking forward to starting a new in our our home! Anyway, it seems that the sickness Kayla experienced, had a serious affect on her sleep patterns! Since she would wake in the middle of the night due to a full diaper (since I was pumping her full of fluids) or b/c her fever went back up... I ended up either rocking her to sleep again OR brought her into my bed to sleep (mostly so I could actually get some sleep as well)... Now it looks like we may need to re-sleep train her... Not looking forward to this since she is louder and more vocally clear. She will scream "MAMAMAMAM... I WANT MAMAMA"... The next few weeks should be interesting.

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