Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Unfriendly GallStones

So it looks like I have averted surgery while pregnant! It was a close call for a few days but I was committed enough to work thru the 1st few days of the gallstone diet and had little to no discomfort during those 5 days. When we met with the surgeon last night, I was able to convince him NOT to go in to try to remove my gall bladder... He said as long as I am not in pain or uncomfortable, then he was fine until waiting until AFTER the baby comes to remove the organ.

Backstory ... When I was pregnant with Kayla, I had gall bladder functional issues but never developed any stones... after the pregnancy the influx of the cholesterol medicine I was on ended up creating the stones - since I had to go off the med's to get pregnant again. I will go back ON them after I am done nursing with this baby though.

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