Friday, February 21, 2014

Too much snow?

We have gotten more snow this year than all the years I can remember... I think back to the first winter right after I got my license to drive (1993-1994)... we had a lot of snow that year too. Or even back a few years during Kayla's 1st winter when we were trying to sell our condo in the midst of all the snow storms... even that year was a lot of snow... but this year, being home with two children who want to go out and play in the fluffy white stuff... but can't because the temps are so low that they would freeze in minutes....  Having the responsibility of clearing all the snow off a sidewalk and driveway that normally fits 8 full sized cars... While having to struggle with the fact that I pay a monthly tuition for my oldest child to actually LEARN something but she rarely gets to attend school without having a snow day or vacation day (Gotta love the catholic school calendar!)...

It's funny how Snow Days now mean something so much different than they used to when I was a child... Although I am thankful to have children to remind me of the pure bliss a snow day brings!  For the grown-ups it means having the shovel (or snow blow with newer technology), worry about power outages and having enough salt on hand.  Making sure there is enough milk, bread and other essentials in the house.  Ensuring there are enough activities in the house to do for the kiddos until its safe for them to get out...  Waiting for that "call" or email from the school just means a different kind of anxiousness :)

When you sit back and look at the situation through my girls eyes it is just truly amazing.  It helps you to better understand the glorious power God has to create beautiful things as well as the pureness by which a child sees life as well. To see the shrill with glee when the wakeup, open the curtains and see the white flakes falling from the sky, or ask a million times when they can go out and play - "Oh please mommy... let us go!"  The screams of excited when they fly down the littlest hill on those $10 saucer's. Or the giggles they share as they compete and try to catch snowflakes on their tongues!  During these moments I see my girls bond in ways I could never imagine bonding with a sibling (as I am an only child and missed out on that experience).  It makes me so thankful that I have two amazing little girls!

Here are some photos from our days this season dealing with the 60+inches of snow God blessed us with!


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