Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Kayla takes on Rice Cereal... and wins!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Holiday Travels to Virginia
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Merry Christmas
After opening gifts at our house and getting ready, we drove a short 4 blocks to Grandma & Grandpa's house to see if Santa dropped off anything for Kayla??? Grandma made a special brunch so when we got there, we sat down to have some food... then it was naptime for Kayla. Since this is Kevin & Angela's 1st year as newlyweds, they went to the Kessler's to open gifts 1st. Gift opening did not begin until they arrived around 12:30noon time. Kayla decided that this would be her long naptime and slept thru at least til 2pm. When she woke up, she got such a great surprise... SANTA came to her house to visit! (Thanks to Uncle Denny who mysteriously disappeared when Santa came - maybe he is afraid of the big guy???)
Friday, December 25, 2009
Happy Three Months!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
She's on a Roll!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
1st Trip to Williamsport, PA

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Empire State of Mind

Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Tummy Time
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Big GIrl Bath Tub

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Sunday Football w. Daddy
Here they are cheering on the Giants as they play the Dallas Cowboys!

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Breakfast w/ Santa
- Every Tuesday morning we have play group for the kids under 1 yrs old.. Which is nice for Kayla to be around other babies before daycare. Obviously once I go back to work I won't be able to go.
- Once a month they have a Ladies Night Out event - Last month was Wine Tasting! Its an opportunity for the mom's to get out for a few hours with no kids but spend the entire time talking about them!
- They have Family outings during each season... Pumpkin picking, Halloween parties.... Today was "Breakfast w/ Santa & Mr. Polka Dots"... see the pics below!
All in all, both mommy & Kayla are excited about our new friends! And I got to see my very 1st snowfall today!
Friday, December 4, 2009
"Grandma's Here"
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Gearing up for the Holidays!!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Gobble Gobble
On Turkey Eve (this is the evening before Thanksgiving in which traditionally we would go to the Ringside Pub and enjoy a nice evening of complete debauchery) we instead went to Uncle Kevin & Aunt Angela's house... Kayla was a little fussy so we did not stay too late but she had the pleasure of meeting her Uncle Jeffrey (he lives in Indiana now while he goes to Grad School).
Fighting the turkey for the name "little turkey"...
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Two Months!!!
Not too much to write about in the past few weeks... We've been trying to get ourselves on some sort of schedule. Kayla is sleeping about 12-15 hours in a 24 hour period and she is eating about 30-35 ounces in that same period. She is fully on formula now and is doing well with it (so is Mommy!) Breastfeeding was something that was really important to both Brian & I - especially for the first 6 wks - but it really depends on how the mom and baby do together when push comes to shove. For Kayla & I it just was not the best thing for us.. we are much happier now! She is sleeping a good stretch at night - about 4.5 to 6 hours... we have not figured on the specifics on what dictates how much sleep she gets though... its still a work in progress. She smiles SO much and laughes out loud - sometimes very loudly! Her giggles and laughs make us smile so much that we all end up laughing. She is gorgeous and melts our hearts with those big smiles! She is ALL GUMS! She no longer wants her paci and would rather stick her fingers or fist in her mouth... She holds her head up all by herself and can sit in her Bumbo with no assistance. She is about to bounce out of the bouncy chair so we may not be able to let her hang out in this without supervision... she kicks her legs so strongly! She is eating and sleeping very well but the Dr. tells us we need to start getting her on a good schedule ... You'd think Mommy would love that but its going to be much harder!!! She turns when you say her name and follows you across the room when you walk away from her... you may even get a squeal from her if she's not ready for you to go away from her. She loves laying in her crib watching the fishes on the mobile go round and round! We swear that she is actually trying to have a conversation with them - of course like her mommy, she is doing all the talking! She loves talking to Grandma on the telephone and smiles big when she hears her voice. Her new favorite game is "peek-a-boo" with Grandpa - I think they played for hours on Turkey Day. She is drinking a little fruit juice each day and loves it - of course its in her bottle - no sippy cups yet! She is tolerating tummy time more and more and we think she may be doing the crawling sway before Xmas!