We really thought we were pros at the whole registry thing... being that we got married last year and had the bridal registry.... but boy were we wrong! Even with all the shopping we do for friends who are registered for weddings / babies... we were no where as prepared as we should have been when we started scanning baby items!
We started the registry before we started telling people we were expecting... Brian was so much more excited than I was - probably b/c I was too sick to think about strollers or pack and plays at the time. Now that the nausea has passed... we can both share in the joy of nesting and creating a wish list for the new baby. But gosh there are SOOO many choices. I think in the end we made some great decisions but I guess only trial and error will tell...
These were some of the more "difficult" choices... but checking out friends registries definitely helped so THANKS to those of you who "helped" without even knowing it!
1. Travel System Stoller or Not?... we chose the Peg Perego Car Seat and separate stroller...they connect together but its not considered a "system"
2. Bassinet or Pack & Play? Since our place is not huge, we chose the Pack & Play only... sinec it will get more use along the way
3. High Chair or Booster? Both... one for our house and one for Grandma & Grandpa's! Future Grandkids will benefit!
4. Infant Car Seat or Convertible... Infant Car Seat.
5. What Bottles? Decided to go with a few different brands since we have no idea what the baby will favor... We are trying the whole "nursing" thing so we will see how that goes...
6. Diaper Geenie or Diaper Champ ? Got mixed reviews on both but in the end we went with the Champ
Thanks to the great folks at Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby we have now completed our registry's.... Just one more step to being ready for Baby Wilson! A few people already asked why register at 2 places... there are different benefits with each one (more for the buyer of the items than for us)... Plus there is the location factor.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Baby Wilson's "First" Yankee Game
Both Brian & I have had the privilage of going to see the NY Yankees play in the Bronx for many years.. in fact since we were very young! Through the years, between the two of us we have probably a hundred games - his first game as he remembers it was with his Dad & his older brother Denny and was the home game they played after Thurmon Munson was burried and Bobby Mercer had the game winning hit... While my first game was with my Grandpa Joe and was on July 18, 1987 when Don Mattingly homered off Texas' Jose Guzman to tie Dale Long's Major-League record of hitting a home run in eight consecutive games. Our blood has bled "blue" for many years!... In recent years, Brian has gotten season ticket packages with his brothers (which is why I was able to go yesterday - thanks Denny & Kevin!) and I started a tradition a few years back taking my Uncle Robert to games for his birthday every year!
Although Brian may beg to differ that since we got married my love for the Bombers has gotten lost. When in fact we had a "Yankee" Themed wedding... See the Grooms Cake I got for Brian at our wedding!
Brian really wanted to be able to take the "baby" to a game before he/she was actually born and while both Grandpa Wilson & Uncle Robert have expressed the desire to take the baby to its REAL first game, Brian & I wanted to be able to bring the baby ourselves... so we ended up going to the game on Saturday of Memorial Day wkend (yesterday). It was my first time visiting the NEW stadium so it was VERY exciting. The traffic getting there was not great - nor was the traffic coming home but everything in between was great! The baby even got excited every time the "Beer Man" would say "Ice Cold Beer Here" :)
Here are some photos from the game... The game was slow for the most part until the 9th inning. Thank GOD, cause I hate extra innings! Rodriguez hit a tying homer off Brad Lidge in the ninth inning and Melky capped the three-run rally with an RBI single, giving the Yankees a 5-4 victory over the Phillies! Its good thing since Daddy looked at Mommy and said "I don't want the baby's 1st memory to be a loss... they have to win"... and just as he was saying that A-Rod hit the homer!
The outside of the New Stadium, Our "Beer Man", The inside of the "Great Hall"...
View from our seats, The Board before A-Rod's Homer (I must have known!),
The belly (Daddy INSISTED!), The Yankees WIN!, Our 1st Family Pic at Yanks Stadium!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Pre-natal Massage
Ok so although I have always been a fan of massage in general... getting prenatal massages are just the icing on the cake... especially when you have someone who you are comfortable with and does an AMAZING job!.
I got my 2nd prenatal massage last night and it made such a world of difference...I promised myself early on that I would treat myself to one massage per trimester... so far its been great. Rachel (the girl who works all the magic) is so amazingly talented and personable. You tell her whats bothering you and she trys to help you as much as possible!
I highly recommend treating yourself to this type of pampering is the budget allows! Here is the link to the local place I go to! http://www.harmonydayspa.com/
I got my 2nd prenatal massage last night and it made such a world of difference...I promised myself early on that I would treat myself to one massage per trimester... so far its been great. Rachel (the girl who works all the magic) is so amazingly talented and personable. You tell her whats bothering you and she trys to help you as much as possible!
I highly recommend treating yourself to this type of pampering is the budget allows! Here is the link to the local place I go to! http://www.harmonydayspa.com/
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Revelation of the Newest Wilson
So we are finally getting around to getting this blog started... Although the official announcement came a long time ago, we thought this would be a cool way for people to keep up to date on what's going on with Baby Wilson... as well as Brian & I since there are so many family members & friends we only get to see a few times a year (if that!).
We are officially between 21-22 weeks along and although it seems like the end is no where in sight, we know the summer months are going to FLY by us and before we know it, this little person will be living with us! We have had the painters come and have all the furniture in the Baby's room - only one slip up has happened with the furniture but its under control and we are on our way to having this room ready! I know, I know... what pregnant person is this prepared? Anyone who knows how I am (the planner) knows how serious I am about getting this done as soon as possible! The colors in the nursery are Brown (Benjamin Moore Broken Arrow to be exact) and Baby Blue... These are not indicative of the gender... but rather we thought by keeping the room brown, it would be better when we try to re-sell the condo in a few years.
So our 20 week appt was on 5/8/09 - we were so excited to spend so much time looking at our peanut... who by the way was not very cooperative. Bouncing like a little mexican jumping bean trying to evade the ultrasound camera at every chance! The doctor WAS able to capture a few great pics (see below)... and we found out the baby weighed almost 14 oz. Everything else looked great! We could not have been happier. The only thing that we were disappointed to hear was that my placenta is located in the front of my abdomen... this means Daddy may not get to feel the punches and jabs as much - but we will have to wait and see.
This little bugger is moving ALL THE TIME now. Granted that there are definite "triggers"... ice cream, puffy cheese doodles, anything chocolate or dairy, salmon... I could really go on and on. I have to say that at times the movements are just plain weird! Sometimes horribly painful but most of the time just weird. The description of popcorm popping is one I can relate to. When the baby holds on to a rib or kicks my bladder - I am not a very happy camper!
Until next time!

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