So we are finally getting around to getting this blog started... Although the official announcement came a long time ago, we thought this would be a cool way for people to keep up to date on what's going on with Baby Wilson... as well as Brian & I since there are so many family members & friends we only get to see a few times a year (if that!).
We are officially between 21-22 weeks along and although it seems like the end is no where in sight, we know the summer months are going to FLY by us and before we know it, this little person will be living with us! We have had the painters come and have all the furniture in the Baby's room - only one slip up has happened with the furniture but its under control and we are on our way to having this room ready! I know, I know... what pregnant person is this prepared? Anyone who knows how I am (the planner) knows how serious I am about getting this done as soon as possible! The colors in the nursery are Brown (Benjamin Moore Broken Arrow to be exact) and Baby Blue... These are not indicative of the gender... but rather we thought by keeping the room brown, it would be better when we try to re-sell the condo in a few years.
So our 20 week appt was on 5/8/09 - we were so excited to spend so much time looking at our peanut... who by the way was not very cooperative. Bouncing like a little mexican jumping bean trying to evade the ultrasound camera at every chance! The doctor WAS able to capture a few great pics (see below)... and we found out the baby weighed almost 14 oz. Everything else looked great! We could not have been happier. The only thing that we were disappointed to hear was that my placenta is located in the front of my abdomen... this means Daddy may not get to feel the punches and jabs as much - but we will have to wait and see.
This little bugger is moving ALL THE TIME now. Granted that there are definite "triggers"... ice cream, puffy cheese doodles, anything chocolate or dairy, salmon... I could really go on and on. I have to say that at times the movements are just plain weird! Sometimes horribly painful but most of the time just weird. The description of popcorm popping is one I can relate to. When the baby holds on to a rib or kicks my bladder - I am not a very happy camper!
Until next time!

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