Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Kayla's One Month Old!

So much has happened this month!
~ I currently weigh 11lbs 4 oz... and have grown an inch and a half!
~ I went back to the Doctor and got another one of those shots... I think Mom may have cried more than me... Dad said I did really great! Next month I get two more shots - yikes!

~ I am sleeping during the day (cat naps) and from the nighttime to about 4am each day but my day usually begins at 4am... Mom & Dad are not happy about this but right now I enjoy being a morning person!

~ I am eating about 30 oz of formula and breastmilk a day - although I prefer the boobie milk, I know I need to eat the other stuff to grow big and strong. Everyone keeps telling mommy to give me cereal but she seems a little nervous about it.

~ My legs are SO strong that I push myself up on mommy & daddy's lap alot but can't balance too well for very long.

~ I really really HATE tummy time unless it involves tummy to tummy time on mommy or daddy and I get to fall asleep! HE HE

~ Mommy got so excited the other day b/c she made some silly face and I smiled back... she is nuts (but I am sure you all already know this!)

~ Lately mommy & me do lots of fun stuff to pass the days away... the weather has been nice so we go outside for walks and to the park, we visit grandma & grandpa a few times a week, we read lots of books and dance to kids songs and grown up songs, we watch DVR (since I like to occupy her time at night) and we cook dinner for daddy every day!

~ I really can't wait for Halloween next weekend... I will be dressing up as a Ladybug and we are going to visit a few houses b/c I don't want to get too tired. Its Mommy's birthday too so we get to go out to a nice restaurant with the family!

1st Sunday Dinner @ my grandparents house

Chilling at the Doctors Office
Tummy Time w/ Daddy
Mommy is trying to get me to sleep...
All dressed up for my walk - so nice out today!
My First Tubby
This is how I roll - when I finally go to sleep!
The Yanks just made it to the World Series!!!!
I like to just be awake most of the time - Unless of course we have visitors or I am in my car seat / stroller... then you will find me sleeping!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Two Weeks at Home

So my first 2 weeks at home have pretty much been filled with sleeping, eating and lots of diaper changes! We had to go to the baby doctor (Dr. Kint) a few times b/c I was not maintaining my weight like they wanted me to. Mom is trying to nurse me but she is not able to make enough milk for my REALLY BIG appetite... so she's been giving me formula. I am not how how long I will be able to get the really yummy tasting baby milk from Mom but she is trying hard to make enough for me. She even uses the machine to get it out since I am always so hungry that I want my food and I want it now! I heard her telling Daddy that its hurts when she feeds me so that is why she is using the machine. She is trying and loves me so much but I don't want to hurt her... I like when she is happy. A happy mommy means a happy baby right? So once I "made weight" (like Dad likes to call it) I was able to stop all these Dr. visits. Now I get to wait til my one month visit at the end of the month! So these days I am eating about 3oz every 3 hours but during the night I let Mom & Dad sleep a little longer and I go 6 hours. I am sleeping most of the day but Mom & Dad try to keep me awake to play. Not too many visitors have come to our house. I know Mommy has a few friends that keep saying they are going to come, but they have not visited us yet :( Daddy goes back to work in a few days and it will be just Mommy & me... I hope we have tons of fun! Ok well here are some pictures from my first 2 wks in my new home!

Kayla loves sleeping anywhere!
Me & Mommy playing...

I make some really funny faces :)~

Not liking this stupid tummy time thing!

Checking out my crib for a while...

Nice and warm after my first tubby time!

Sleeping with Mommy is so comfy!

Daddy & Me at the Dr.

Cozy Bed - My 1st night home from the hospital!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Me & My Doctor

So Mommy & I thought it would be a good idea to post one of my favorite pictures of me and the man who helped me make my entrance into this world! Mommy & Daddy just think he is the best!
Dr. Robert Rubino & Miss Kayla Elisabeth

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hospital Blurbs...

Overlook Hospital:

Many of you know that originally we had planned on delivering at St. Barnabas Hospital but since the schedule for c-sections dictated where we delivered... We ended up at Overlook Hospital. In the end, we were fine with that. We went ahead of time for a tour to get to know the place. The nurses at Overlook (for the most part) were very good. We had 3 nurses that were just not very good... Nurse Ratchet would not allow grandma & grandpa extra visiting time... The Eastern European that you could barely understand and reminded us of an SS officer... The Part Timer... she just had horrible bed side manners (to say the least). But then there were the few that had they not been a part of our experience, it would not have been the same... The two Linda's... just plain AWESOME! Esther the breast feeding master! Harmony the wonderful nurse that helped mom get on solid foods faster!

The Name Game (part 2):

Apologies for the fact that Baby Wilson did not have an official name until 3 days after her birth! I have been given permission to blame this fully on the Daddy. We had a few names going into the birth (of course the boy names were bumped the minute she was born)...but the final 3 girls names were just difficult to choose from. For the sake that we may use them in the future, we are not divulging those names... But after Mommy spent over 24 hours calling Kayla by this name or KK... Daddy FINALLY got on board. The middle name was the 2nd piece to hold up this announcement but in the end we LOVE her name and think it could not be MORE perfect.

Making Weight

Its seems as though our little peanut needs to eat more than mommy was able to provide. The Dr. said that newborns that are Kayla's size need about 2-3 oz's per feeding (which is on avg about every 3 hours)... Since my milk did not come in until Tuesday (the day we left the hospital) and it came in quite slow and meager... The hospital pediatrician advised that we supplement with formula. The concern arose on Sunday night when we took Kayla took the nursery for her 9pm vitals check and the nurse returned saying that she spiked a fever of 100.4 and was really dehydrated. She got a few oz's of formula and was as ood as new! By the time we left the hospital, Kay lost 10% of her body weight which makes the nurses a bit concerned so they told us to continue the supplemental formula each feeding (on top of the breastfeeding) until we saw our Doctor. I have to tell you that hearing your 2 day old newborn got a fever b/c you could not supply her with the food she needed is very upsetting. We are so glad the Dr. stepped in and made them give her what she needed.

First Video!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Wilson

After much conversation with Dr. Rubino... at our 39 wk visit, it was decided that our little peanut was definitely NOT a little peanut... the Dr. discussed that he thought Miss K would be about if not over 10lbs! So he had his nurse schedule (and reschedule twice!) a Cesarian Section for Miss K to come into the world. We were all set to deliver at Overlook Hospital in Summit NJ at 11:30am Friday 9.25.09... So Mom & Dad to be made all the final preparations at the house and packed their bags! It was such a great feeling to know WHEN she was going to be joining our family... and for both of us, once the surgery was scheduled, we each had our own little freak out moments. NO matter how much you prepare (even me being the Type A person I am) you are NEVER prepared. Her room was done, the house was clean, laundry done, tons of extra food made and frozen... but that was only a very small portion!
The morning of Kayla's birth day came, we were so anxious & excited! We got to the hospital around 9am to get our stuff in order, get setup in our room and just wait! It was the slowest 2 hours EVER! Then they brought dad his little bunny suit to wear in the OR... they walked me into the surgery room, got me up on the table and a very LONG 25 minutes later they began the surgery. There were some issues with the spinal anethesia they gave... there was so much swelling in my back that they had to use the longest spinal needle and after three pokes, they FINALLY got it! Electricity shot down my legs and POOF, they were like wet spaghetti noodles! Dr. Rubino is seriously the BEST doctor ever! He explained what was going on and made small talk with Dad. A few minutes later we hear the nurses burst into laughter and Dr. Rubino says "Wow we have a very social little baby here"... It seems that after they made the incision, she poked her hand out and waved at everyone! Dad tried peeking over the curtain to see but the assisting Dr. was in the way. Mom of course is yelling, "what is it? what is it?". So they announce we have a new little baby girl and all I could think of was "I got my little girl!"... Dad looked so excited at that moment and I could totally finally understand why he wanted to wait to find out the sex! They whisked Kayla off and Dad followed about two steps behind the nurses. He cut the cord and they brought my baby girl over to me for kisses and our 1st meeting... then off to the nursery for footprints, tests and a bath! They called back to the OR to tell us that she weighed in at 9lbs 15oz! Measuring 21.25 inches long!!! Holy crap, those Wilson super sperm mean some serious business! At 12:48pm our family grew!!
Dad and Kayla met Mom back in recovery to have their official bonding time... it was so surreal holding that little baby for the first time! It was more weird to have lost 20+ lbs all at once and have no belly anymore... but I am not complaining. Mom and Kayla bonded and we tried nursing while Dad stood only a foot away making all the obligatory phone calls. Grandma cried and was SO excited to get her little girl... Grandpa finally realized he may have to look a bit more into some of the female sports and all Kayla's Aunt's & Uncle's were just super excited!!!
Here are some pictures of our little piggy's Birth Day!
Waiting in our room to meet our sweet baby!

Dad is MORE than ready (although he wished he was in real scrubs)...

Hello World! It's a Girl!
Dad doing the ceremonial "cutting of my cord"

Yeah Yeah Yeah... I know I am a BIG girl!

So this is what my mom looks like... it was much different looking from the inside!

Wrapped around her fingers already!

Daddy's Girls getting to know each other :)