Wednesday, February 22, 2012

31 Week Update...

Below is a photo taken last wkend... comparable to the same size I was at this time with Kayla.

Sometimes this baby feels like it's gonna bust thru my belly button... always moving around. Loves chocolate - although its one of the items that gives me gall bladder pain :( Sleeping is far a thing of the past and my equilibrium has gone out the window at this point.

It's funny b/c I feel as though this time I am surrounded by pregnant women... mostly within my Mommy Group but nonetheless... its amazing how every pregnancy if truly different but what is NOT different is the guilt a women feels regarding either her 1st or 2nd child.

For me, most of the pregnancy I feel guilty that I was neglecting the baby in my belly b/c when someone asked me how far along I was, I had NO clue and had to check the calendar. I remember with Kayla, I tracked each week and looked and pics of what the baby was supposed to look like or where within its developement we fell. This time around, I was not so diligent. Taking belly pics since I stopped being nauseous has gotten better though.

Since the gall bladder pain has taken over my days... and now allergy season decided to make an early appearance, Kayla is the one being more neglected... Surely she knows little about this since she is just getting TONS of tv and movies. She gets pretty much whatever snakcs she asks for (within what is in the house so I try to only keep healthy ones available since my will power has diminshed). I know that once this little baby comes out in a few weeks, I will have even less focus than I do now.

Does anyone have any advice on how to manage time with your older child once the younger one comes? I am having a csection so cuddle time with Kayla will be very difficult - she does not understand that she can no longer climb on me. Once I begin to nurse and have to feed the baby, Kayla's obsession with those bumps under my shirt will grow even more.... Should I not nurse this time around and just right to the formula?

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