After a conversation with a friend recently, I fel compelled to write about this... especially since its seems that some people have some very strong feelings about the topic.
It's funny, because I never chose one side or the other and felt that if someone was having a baby shower for their 2nd (3rd or 4th) child it was their perogotive. Or if you have someone really awesome in your life that wants to have such an event for you... so be it. You are very lucky!
Since having a child and throwing a few of these for friends, I think it's a fabulous idea. I mean, I don't think people need to go as "over board" as you do with the 1st child because after all you should have ALL the "gear" you need.... Unless you waited like 10 yrs to have another child. But having an event to get your friends / family together to just have a little fun before your life changes just a little more... and hopefully you will get some new towels, diapers, wipes and maybe even baby formula... why not?
I just heard a story about someone who has a friend who is VERY against showers of any type for anything but your 1st child. Funny thing is that she does not even have any children yet! So it makes you wonder, how will she feel when she is having her 2nd child and is in need of diapers or some adult time with her friends? She feels that her friend will get a sufficient amount of whatever she needs when the baby comes and people come to visit. Where it gets even funnier is that the gifts that this person gives her friends when they have kids are NOT practical, look used or are down right cheap... so where does her strong feeling against having 2nd showers come from? Makes you wonder.
Where do you stand on these events?
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