Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Allergies, Ear Infections, Asthma.... UGH!

April was just full of excitement in our house. Kayla got her first ear infection and we hope its not the start of many to come. Mommy had some serious ear infection issues when she was little - leading up to tubes 3 times and then removal of the tonsils and adenoids.  Daddy had a few ear infections but never surgery.  We did not even know that it was an ear infection - not like the pulling on her ears and hard core fever... just lots of congestion and tons of loose poop (sorry).  So we took her in and it was diagnosed - her 1st antibiotic.  The Dr. told us to keep her sleeping in an elevated position so we decided that we wanted to watch her closely (being on the med's)... instead of letting her sleep in her swing or crib with the end propped up, she slept in bed with Mommy like a big girl... using a pillow and all!  Unfortunately this meant Daddy was on the couch or in the twin bed in Kayla's room - afterall, he brings home the bacon and needs his beauty sleep!  LOL  She did well the first few nights so we decided to do half nights in the swing and when we went to bed moved her to the crib. The end is propped up with a beach towel under the mattress but she moves so much that her feet end up elevated!  Sort of counter productive but she still wakes up for a bottle around 3am so she'll get repositioned anyway.  The antibiotic is all done but the severe congestion remains... we brought her back to the Dr. for a cough but they said it was all part of this "game"....  

Since Kayla got sick, I also ended up getting a little something...  mine turns out to be reactive airway disease brought on by allergies and asthma!  Fun stuff!  The allergist says that this is by far the worst allergy season in over 30 yrs. So I am bringing Kayla to see him at the end of this month so he can help her out too!  During the whole ordeal with my coughing fits - Brian was SOOOOO amazing!  Even working everyday, he let me sleep (with the wonderful aide of nyquil) and got up with Kayla every night for 10 days straight!  With no complaints (ok may one or two) but seriously he is our angel!  Kayla & I are very lucky to have someone to love us both so unconditionally!  He proved that he is a wonderful daddy and hubby.... now if I can only get those pantry shelves put up!  (just kidding babe!)

Here Daddy snapped a shot of Mommy & Kayla taking a snooze!

We had to change her diet to non-lactose formula, apples/bananas/rice & do steams baths twice a day... along with the medicine and tons of saline nose junk!

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