Friday, April 23, 2010

Lucky Number SEVEN!

Seven is a pretty big number these days... 

* One of Daddy's favorite's, Mickey Mantle's number
* The number of digits it takes to use the phone and call DADADADA (I love the phone!)
*There are seven wonders of the ancient world.
* There are seven continents in the world
*There are seven colors of the rainbow
* There are seven days in a week
*A ladybug commonly has seven spots!
* Seven is also the number of stars in the constellation, Big Dipper
* Most important... I am seven months now!

Even though we did not do many exciting things this month because me & Mommy were very sick, I still have lots of news!  This month I really started getting around. As you can see by mommy's recent post, I can get up on all fours now... Actually I think I do the "downward dog" quite well.  I am crawling backwards - I keep trying to go forwards but I guess my arms & legs are not working together the way that they should.  I am sitting up completely on my own and love sitting in my Toy Story chair.  Although I can't quite understand why when I try to stand up and fall forward... another work in progress I assume. I can get from the sitting position to laying on my back, then I roll over and crawl backwards. I can pivot my body too so I guess in the end IF I really wanted to get somewhere, I could!  I love walking around in my walkers - we have one in the kitchen and one in the garage for outside. My friend Maddie let me borrow her yellow sports car... I love it!  I think Mommy got a little nervous about me moving around one day and now all the sudden there is this BIG gate at the top of my stairs... I hope she does not plan on putting those all over the house... I am working on the crawling and sitting up from laying down but otherwise I think I am developing quite nicely!

I am still eating all my foods - 3 meals a day consisting of cereals, grains & rices, fruits, veggies and chicken!  I take 5 bottles a day and either 2-3 naps each day. Mommy has this schedule down pretty good... when it works, it works and sometimes when we have busy days, I get pooped!  The good thing is that I am learning how to sleep thru the night (with the exception of my one baba).  I started eating these things called "puffs", mommy & daddy say that these will help me learn how to chew foods that they eat so I can join in on their fun!  I still only have these two front bottom teeth but boy are they sharp and strong!  I am also starting to pick up small pieces of fruit and eating them and I got to try a "cookie" for the first time - I think my parents almost had a heart attack though when they realized half the cookie was GONE!
Next stop... Chicken Parm!  (just kidding)

I wake up to start my day at about 6am ( I think mommy & daddy wish this was later but sometimes I can play in my crib for a little while so they can sleep in ... or they bring me to bed and let me watch cartoons!)... My day ends between 6-7pm depending on how the day went.  I am a very happy baby and LOVE to interact with people wherever I go. 

We have alot on the calendar for May - Communion's, Birthdays, Garage Sales, Trips to the Zoo... Stay tuned during the month for more updates!

OK mommy, my turn to take a picture of you!

She loves her cartoons in jammies!

Obsession with the remote does not even explain this!  She will soon be crawling over him!

Sitting patiently in her stroller waiting for her friend to go to the park!

Although she is not pulling herself up, she stands very well for about 2 minutes til she tips over :)

Kayla's rental sports car - Thanks Maddie!

Kayla's 1st "cookie"

Planning her 1st jail break!

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