Thursday, August 26, 2010

Eleven Months... Only one more month til my big party!!!!

This past month has really been ALL about perfecting my walking abilities! I am super fast and can get across the room in seconds... especially when I see the pantry door or the bathroom door open, or when Mommy moves the gate blocking the steps. Sometimes I am so fast, Mommy can't catch me in time. I have been testing out what it would be like to stop taking my nap in the morning... Mommy still thinks I need two naps but I dunno. Since we have been on vacation, I have been napping a little bit later but still taking 2 naps...
Other Updates: # of teeth = 8
Current Words: Mama, Dada, Baba, Dita (this is what she calls her blankie), nononono (she repeats after us), What's that?, Ball, Hat, Whoa, Weeee, Wow
Newest Food Trials: Chocolate, Eggs, Chicken Nuggets, Cheese Sticks, Boardwalk Food (yummy)
Size Clothes: 12-18 month (pants) 18-24 month (tops)
One of our last days at the town pool

Working her 1st job with her favorite waitress Sundhya @ The Cloverleaf

Playing with her blocks

Chilling at the pool

All my teeth!
Watching Toy Story with Daddy
Playing with my buddy DJ

Ready to go out! 1st time barrette...

Stop hugging me so tight mommy!

Our couch bug!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The love of Popsicle's

Kayla absolutely LOVES eating popsicles...
not so much a fan of the creme inside these but you will get the point...
Can't wait for her to have her very own & hold it herself down the shore...

Two Minutes in the Life of Kayla

I decided to follow Kayla around for just about 2 minutes... Yes I was bored!

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Power of She-Ra or Kay-La .... Princess Power!

So who remember's She-Ra "Princess of Power"?? She was Filmation's spinoff from He-Man: Master of the Universe..... Ok my point: Our daughter may be the next child in the running for a made for tv movie!

We had rigged the supergate XL to block the doorway from our dining room to the kitchen since its a wider doorway and were trying to go as long as possible without spending the money. Well just the other day I said "Bri, I think we really need to get a gate b/c she is really trying to pull this one down and messing up the walls"... of course, he did not believe me... until he saw it for himself. I was able to get it on video though before we changed the gate... its a long video so be patient... you will see our little Princess of Power!

And here is the 2 part video - sorry for the length ... but it's worth it!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Classic

Thought this would bring a smile to some people's faces...
Kayla starting a new ritual of reading the Sunday papers with Grandpa!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Parenting 101: Friendship's

Most little girls grow up playing house and taking care of their baby dolls... we have playdates with our little girlfriends and make believe that our pretend children are friends. The real world is a COMPLETELY different story.

Most of your girlfriends fall into 3 categories...there are the friends that have kids and stay involved in with the people close to them....there are friends that have kids and get completely engulfed in their "new" status that they leave their friends behind.... and then there are those friends who have been trying to start their family but are having issues so they find being close to friends with children either painful or annoying. You will find that all of your friends will fall into this category at one time or another...

The part that I personally find most difficult is that I always want my friendships to remain as they are and to grow... no matter who has kids and when. It is fabulous when you are at a point in your life and your girlfriend can relate. It is painful and it stinks when you have friends that are not a part of your life because they have children and feel like you won't understand... or when they leave you out of the heartache they are going thru b/c they feel you won't understand what it's like not to be able to get pregnant. I love my friends and want to be involved in all their lives... no matter how hectic or insane or drama filled. Like I said, it's painful to be left out.